Excel Clipboard Tutorial

Version: Microsoft 365
Last update:
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1. Use the Clipboard to Accelerate Data Copying

With the clipboard, you can copy, cut, and paste data in Excel worksheets, making data processing simpler and more efficient.
Use the Clipboard to Accelerate Data Copying

2. Example Scenario

Imagine you need to create a sales report. You want to copy sales data of certain products from one sheet to another for detailed analysis.
Example Scenario

3. Direct Copy and Paste

Without thinking, we might consider copying and pasting one by one.

But what if we need to switch to different worksheets for our copy-paste? What if we want to copy this data to multiple places at once?
Direct Copy and Paste

4. Clipboard

Excel provides the clipboard feature. You can click on the icon to the right of Home to open Clipboard.

5. Clear Before Use

Here we can see an empty clipboard. Sometimes, the clipboard might already contain some data, so a good practice is to click the Clear All button to clear the current data first.
Clear Before Use

6. Start Copying Data

Now we begin copying data. Once we successfully copy, the data will appear in the clipboard.
Start Copying Data

7. Data in the Clipboard Can Be Deleted

If we wrongly copy one of the data items, hover over that row, and there will be a button on the right to delete it.
Data in the Clipboard Can Be Deleted

8. Paste All

When we are ready with all the data to copy, click Paste All to paste all data from the clipboard at once.
Paste All

9. Task Complete

Here, we successfully pasted the data to another place at once.

The data from the clipboard can be pasted multiple times and can also be pasted into different worksheets.
Task Complete

10. 🎉 Finish! 🎉

Author's Note: I hope you can feel the effort I put into these tutorials. I hope to create a series of very easy-to-understand Excel tutorials.

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Use the Clipboard to Accelerate Data Copying