Excel DROP Function Tutorial

Version: Microsoft 365
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1. Introduction to the DROP Function

The DROP function in Excel is designed to exclude specified rows or columns from a range. It can help simplify data analysis by allowing you to focus on the most relevant parts of your dataset.
Introduction to the DROP Function

2. Parameters of the DROP Function

Here is the syntax for using the DROP function.
=DROP(array, rows,[columns])
  • array: required The array from which to drop rows or columns.
  • rows: required The number of rows to drop. A negative value drops from the end of the array.
  • columns: optional The number of columns to exclude. A negative value drops from the end of the array.
  • 3. Example Scenario

    Imagine you have a dataset containing sales data for different products and you want to analyze only the sales data for a specific region by dropping unnecessary columns.
    Example Scenario

    4. Getting Started with the DROP Function

    Type on the keyboard: =DROP(, and then select B5:E8 as the dataset to be processed.
    Getting Started with the DROP Function

    5. Removing Rows

    Here, we want to remove the last row, so we enter: -1 in the second parameter.
    Removing Rows

    6. Removing Columns

    Next, we want to remove the last column, so we also enter: -1 in the third parameter.
    Removing Columns

    7. Effect of the DROP Function

    After pressing Enter to save, you can see the effect of the DROP function here. We have successfully removed the last row and the last column.
    Effect of the DROP Function

    8. 🎉 Finish! 🎉

    Author's Note: I hope you can feel the effort I put into these tutorials. I hope to create a series of very easy-to-understand Excel tutorials.

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    Introduction to the DROP Function